Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 7 Dinner Menu and Grocery List


Happy Monday to everyone! As of 2 weeks ago I had posted 6 weeks of no repeat dinner menus. Well, when I posted week 7 it just didn't sit well with me that everything on that menu was a repeat and I was really striving to go as long as I could without any repeats. So, I'm taking the last week 7 out and am posting a new week 7 dinner menu and grocery list this week. I hope that this helps to make someones week a little easier that you aren't having to plan what you are having to eat this week. I hope everyone has a great week!!

1 comment :

  1. Found you from the Monday Mingling hop over at Southern Sunflowers. I'm your newest follower and hope you have a great day! Can't wait to see more fun posts!


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