Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Sun & The Wind

 This is a sponsored book review and all opinions are 100% my own.

My brother in law Lee Ritz has just written his first children's book. It is an adaptation of the classic Aesop fable, The Sun & The Wind. The book was excellently written and beautifully illustrated in watercolor by his friend Randy Hale. The story captivates you from the beginning to the end and helps you to appreciate the jobs of both the sun & the wind and how they help us even today. I don't have the whole book to share with you now, but you can go HERE to see the first 9 pages.

Lee has decided to start his own self-publishing company, Lee Ritz Publications. His mission is to not only publish his stories but to help other authors fulfill their dreams by teaching and sharing with them the tools they need to truly self-publish their own works of art.  Lee needs our help to kick start his book and publishing company!  He needs to raise $6000 by Nov 2 in order to launch the project and as of today he has raised $2270 from friends and family. If you would like to make a donation you can go to his website Lee Ritz Publications or directly to the kick started page to make a donation. All donations received will be used to launch his first title and will cover the costs of copy editing, content editing and layout, cover design, submission to printing presses, and marketing of the initial book launch. Any donations over $25 get a copy of the book. And, if you give an even higher donation you get some extra treats!! Go to his kick starter page to find out what those are. ;)

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at his new book and considering helping him with his project. Hope everyone has a great week! :)


  1. Those illustrations are beautiful! So awesome he is launching his own company, that truly is so awesome. I shared this on google plush hope he can make his goal!

  2. These are absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for the book!

  3. What gorgeous photos! Looks like something I would read! :)


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