
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Canvas Tutorial

A friend of mine had seen a canvas print that read Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in girly colors that she thought was SO cute. But the problem was that she has a little boy and could never find one in boy colors. So, she asked me if I thought I could paint on canvas something similar in boy colors and I told her that I'd give it a try. Well, I tried and I thought it turned out pretty darn cute! I wanted to share with you how I made it so if you wanted to make one yourself you could.

You will need:

1 canvas
paint pens
Photoshop elements (or some way to type the words and flip horizontally for printing)
wax paper
glue stick
spray paint


1. Tape off the the lines on your canvas.

2. Spray paint any color of your choice and let dry.

3. While your canvas is drying open up Photoshop and start a new project. Put in the size of your canvas in inches and make sure your resolution is 300 pixels/inch. Type in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or the saying of your choice. Also, in any font you like. Flatten your image, reverse your image horizontally, and then save.

4. Cut and glue wax paper onto card stock and print.

5. Remove your wax paper from the card stock so that when you are placing it onto your canvas you have a better idea of where you are placing it.

6. Place ink side down onto your canvas. Be sure not to move the paper because the wax is wet and it will smear.

7. Get a spoon or something that you can use to rub the ink onto the canvas.

8. Gently remove the wax paper. You now have a light image on your canvas of your print.

9. Go over the ink with the paint pen colors of your choice.

10. Once you have gone over all of the areas let it dry. You now have a beautiful piece of art on canvas!! I hope you like yours as much as I like the way mine turned out. :)

Happy Painting!! :)


  1. What a great tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  2. Love how this canvas turned out!! Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime last week. I'm now following you.

  3. Thank you Betsy! I'm also a new follower of yours through Bloglovin. Best of luck in your pregnancy. You look absolutely adorable. I have two little boys and miss being pregnant. Have a great day. :)


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