
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To Clean Your Grout

I can't believe I am actually writing today to tell you how I am cleaning the grout in our kitchen!.!. What has my life come to! ;) Our grout, in the high traffic areas of our kitchen, have been bothering me for weeks/months now. It is SO nasty!  I didn't want to spend the money to have our grout cleaned so I thought I'd tackle it myself. My husband advised against it because he thought I'd hate it once I got into it, but I actually surprised him and even myself by how much I enjoyed getting it done. It was so rewarding because you could see such a difference immediately while cleaning. Also, it's really cheap to do it yourself. It would have cost us close to $100 to get it done and for me to do it cost around $3.

I used two ingredients:
1/4 cup clorox
3/4 cup baking soda

It makes a paste that you just rub into the grout and then you scrub away with a grout brush, tooth brush, or anything narrow so you can get in between your tile. I'm not sure if you can tell in the picture how well it cleaned the grout, but you really can in person. ;) My goodness, I never thought I'd be writing about cleaning grout!! LOL!

I love so much the way it looks! I am really happy. :)


  1. I need to do this in my kitchen and bathroom! Do you have to scrub a lot?

    1. You don't have to scrub a lot at all. It's amazing how easily this scrub cleans the grout. I scrubbed a few times, would let it sit, and then go back for one last scrub. They sell these grout brushes at Target for cheap that really makes it easy to get in between the tile. Let me know if you give it a try and how it turns out. I'd love to hear. :)

  2. For great results every time, I use products provided by NuGrout. They offer excellent service along with quality products that give a long lasting impression. My clients are continuously impressed with a job well done. To check out more about what they offer, including their line of Pre-treat products, visit their website at


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