
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Learning to Crochet

Disclosure: I have graciously been given the opportunity to review an online crocheting class through Annie's Crafts. All opinions that I write about are 100% my own.

I have always wanted to learn to crochet. I've tried picking it up a few times but have never followed through. You see, I'll have some one teach me, like my sweet mother in law. Then I go home to start the project and will get stuck with a question or I will get frustrated and there is no one there to help me!! So I quit every time! :( So sad...

So, when I was asked to review this beginners crochet class I was so excited to try again!! Once you decide on which class to take, you purchase the class, and then it shows up under your classes tab and it's yours to start anytime you are ready.

This is the class I chose below. Once you download the class it is yours to keep. You can go back to it anytime you need to watch a section again.

Above image from Annie's Crafts

Each class has an instructor that walks you through step by step on how to begin. The instructor for this class was very thorough and would repeat herself a couple of times in the difficult areas. On the right hand side of the screen the lessons are broken down into segments. This way I was able to start a new lesson each day without having to start over. Or could go back and just watch what I needed refreshing on.

Above image from Annie's Crafts

It was so nice taking the online class because I could go back and review any section that I needed to. I also could  pause the video when I wanted more time to work on something. Look how clear the picture displays what she is doing. I was always able to follow along well.

Above image from Annie's Crafts

Below, is a picture of me crocheting!!  YEA!! I think it looks pretty good so far.  I'm only starting by practicing different stitches with this tutorial, but I will then start on a project. I'd love to make baby blankets for friends and family.

Above image from Gloriously Made

I am a very visual, hands on, and auditory learner. I have a difficult time doing projects like this if I were to just read it from a manual. It helps me to see someone demonstrating it, explaining it, and then allowing me to practice while I'm learning. You can email the instructor anytime with a question and they will get back to you shortly. That's really nice! So when things get difficult you are not alone and you can have someone to walk you through where you are stuck.

Above image from Annie's Crafts

Look at me go!! I am so proud of myself and having so much fun. This class has made learning to crochet easy.  This is only the beginning folks.  Stay tuned for more projects! :)

Above image from Gloriously Made
Go like Annie's Craft Facebook page for updates, watch Annie's Craft You Tube videos, or go directly to their website below.

Annie's Crafts would also like to offer their readers 50% OFF all of their online classes with this link:
How many of you enjoy crocheting? What have you made? I'd love to hear. :)


  1. Ohhh how fun! I'd love to take an online class!!

  2. Good for you. That looks like fun!

  3. I would love to crochet! My mom makes beautiful afghans and I've never mastered it. Will have to check this out.

  4. What a great class!
    So happy you have a chance at it
    Can't wait to see your projects!

  5. Thanks for sharing this class. I should be a candidate for it. I can sew fairly well but I have been wanting to take up crocheting for a few years now. I thought it would be a much easier way to craft than dragging the machine out(small house). I worked on it some and checked out some youtube for help and did some cheaty scarfs just to feel like I had come along with something. My sister unknowingly took up crocheting at the same time and is a whiz. I surely need a class.

    Glad for you success.

  6. Looks like a fun class. Over from Mom's Monday Mingle and your newest follower!

  7. My husband picked up crochet in 5 minutes-don't tell him I told you that! following from the moms monday mingle on bloglovin.


I love hearing from you and would love a comment. Have a great day. :)