
Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Front Door Basket

I've had the same wreath on my front door ALL winter and I wanted something fresh & new, and I wanted tulips. So yesterday I headed off to Michael's craft store and found that all their Ashland flowers were 50% off!! YEA!! For me! :)
I already had the container that I had bought at a Southern Living party a few years ago. So, I took that with me and tried different colored tulips until I found that I had the perfect color and number for the basket. I'm also glad that I took the basket into the store because I realized that the flowers were too short and needed something inside to give them a lift over the basket. So I also bought some green Styrofoam to put in the bottom of the basket.
I love the way the arrangement turned out. :) So pretty!

Happy Spring Everyone!!


  1. I LOVE this-- it's so pretty and Springy!! :) Thanks for linking up to Manic Monday!

    1. Thank you Melissa so much for commenting on my basket. I know this sounds so dorky, but you were the first person to ever comment on something I made that I didn't already know!! ;) ha ha!! Thanks for making my day.

  2. Aww, Thank you so much!! I just linked up to your party. Thank you for asking me. :) I also, joined your blog. Do you have your parties every Monday? I'd love to link up again.

  3. OHHH - this is beautiful as well! =) Thanks for sharing it at our Pinterest Power Party!!


  4. Hi Lovely, I am your new follower from Blog Hop. Followed you via GFC. Love your awesome blog!
    Feel free to visit, follow and leave me comments

    Rena Lynn

    1. Thank you so much for being a new follower. :) I checked your blog and you too have a really great blog. I'm now following you too. Thanks for stopping by and can't wait to see more of your posts. :)

  5. Oh your basket on the door is fabulous and the tulips are so beautiful. I do think we have the same tulips, your door looks so inviting. Beautiful basket. Hugs, Marty

  6. Red is a striking color and it's quite hard to adorn. Good thing you see these white tulips; it's a perfect combination. It adds a more inviting appeal and made your door becomes livelier. Anyway, I noticed that the color seems to fade; a paint will definitely do the trick to hide it for the meantime. #Danielle @


I love hearing from you and would love a comment. Have a great day. :)