
Monday, January 14, 2013

 How to make your own topiary

I have been wanting two matching topiary's in our entry way but found that they can get rather expensive. So I went on the hunt to make my own and it came out super easy and pretty cheap. I ended up buying all of my items at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I have downloaded their app to my phone along with Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Jo-Ann's honors other stores coupons, as well as their own, of course. Which really brought down the price of my project. So everything I purchased was 40 to 50% off. I love it!!

What you need:
  • 2 box wood balls (or any type of ball that you like made out of whatever faux plant you are wanting)
  • 2 sticks (you can buys sticks but to make my project cheaper I cut two sticks from the backyard)
  • rocks (which I also got from the backyard) :)
  • 2 buckets or pots
 Boxwood ball

First you take your boxwood ball and place it on the stick. I used the scissors I used to cut the sticks to make a point on one end of the stick so it would go into the ball easier and stay. 


Second, I placed the stick into the empty pot and placed the rocks all around the stick till it could stand straight on it's own.
Pot with rocks

 Lastly, I have a beautiful topiary for my entry way that only cost about $10 a piece to make. 

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